"En dröm om att få tillbringa vinterhalvåret i sol och värme har blivit verklighet för oss tack vare FASP.
Vi träffades på Älvsjömässan för "utomlands boende" 2017. Vi fick genast förtroende för och fin kontakt och träffades efter någon tid på vackra Madeira.
För att göra en lång historia kort, så kan vi säga att FASP/Catarina lotsade oss genom hela processen från att köpa ett "renoveringsprojekt" som blev nedrivet till ett helt nytt hus som passar våra behov perfekt.
Som projektledare är Catarina helt suverän.
Alla kontakter och tillstånd som behövdes för att vi skulle kunna etablera oss och köpa en fastighet här, kände hon till och hjälpte oss med.
All kontakt med vår byggherre och underleverantörer har hon skött på portugisiska och med stor kunskap och intresse. Vi har följt med i byggprocessen genom bilder och via WhatsApp videosamtal i alla olika skeden. När något inte fungerat har Catarina genast och fortfarande tagit kontakt till byggfirman och de har rättat till problemet.
Nu har vi bott i vårt hus i snart 5år. Vi är fortfarande mycket nöjda och tacksamma.
Vi kan säga att utan FASP skulle vi knappast ha tagit oss genom all byråkrati.
Så tusen tack till FASP för att att vi får leva vår dröm! "
Kaj and Ann-Britt
"Five years ago my husband and I were looking for a home in Madeira. We were recommended to contact Catarina at FASP and so we did. We have never regretted that decision! Catarina has more than 30 years of experience of Madeira and she is very professional. With her competence she has given us so much support at every stage, from finding the right home to contact with the authorities. Not only did she find us the perfect home on this beautiful island, she has also became a great friend. Many thanks for your support!"
Karolina and Fredrik
"We had been looking for an apartment in Funchal for some time, and various estate brokers showed us different properties, but they didn’t meet our wishes. Then we came in contact with Catarina at FASP, and we immediately got a positive connection. She listened carefully to our needs and wishes, and within shortly she presented three properties. After a day or two we made a contract with the seller. Catarina has assisted and helped us through all necessary bureaucracy, sorted out everything with the seller, the bank, water, electricity, the public offices etc. She also was of extreme help by assisting us to establish a Portuguese company. She speaks fluently Portuguese, English and Scandinavian, and that was a huge advantage. After two years we upgraded, Catarina took us once again through the whole system, she found a buyer to our apartment without even putting it on the open market, and both the buying and selling process went smoothly. She is always present and helpful to her clients. We are happy to give FASP and Catarina Ferreira our warmest recommendations."
Gunnar & Randi
"I recently sold a house with FASP and while this can be a very stressful process, I felt 110% confident by partnering with Catarina. She was candid, provided great feedback, helped explain clearly all details and managed the actual sale negotiation brilliantly."
"We've dealt with many realtors both on the buying and selling side. I have to say that FASP is by far the BEST realtor we've ever worked with, their professionalism, personality, attention to detail, responsiveness and their ability to close the deal was Outstanding!!!"
"After working with Catarina to sell my home in 2019, I was convinced that she’s the only realtor I’ll ever need. Since then, I’ve bought two properties and sold one, and with each process, Catarina’s knowledge, professionalism has consistently guided us through to excellent outcomes."